Mike and Sylv's Wedding photos
Photographer in cheif
Firstly a huge thank you to Stefan for taking one for the team and working hard taking pictures letting the rest of us relax and have a good time.
Album links
Stef put...
Website for Mike
Firstly a huge thank you to Stefan for taking one for the team and working hard taking pictures letting the rest of us relax and have a good time.
Stef put...
This is a place were we can add information about the wedding
I’m putting together a page with some photos here
7th of July 2018
I have a few pictures I should post up some time
Here is one of moritz
It was a difficult trip as I was belatedly saying good bye to Anna. But was glad to do...
I was looking through my drop box folder for photos that I could add to the front page, I descided on one showing blue bells. I saw quite a few pictures I’d like to post up so thats what I’m...
First posts .. .
I’m off on holiday in Sicily soon so will put some words and pictures together for that